Jeff Wright

Create triggers that drive you to next-level success


It is time to point the finger at yourself and create a new mindset and behavior pattern based on self-efficacy in order to get to the next level.

Jeff Wright helps mangers, executives, business owners and entrepreneurs who are tired of being average take their careers to the next level by going from Blame to Fame. By taking ownership of both your setbacks and successes, you will create individualized triggers to stop blaming your circumstances and launch into positive action. 

He empowers individuals to stop holding themselves back with the thought of safety nets and “Plan B” and approach their future with the ambition and action plan of someone who has no choice but to succeed.

The only way to reach a 1% level of success is to take full ownership of your trajectory — both the victories and the pitfalls.

Cut The Bull$hit & Hack Your Mind Into Ignoring Intrusive Thoughts

Jeff Wright leads you to generating self-efficacy and developing the personalized triggers that will re-connect you to your deepest motivation and push you to take actionable steps towards your goals sustainably. 

Through this coaching process you will transform your habits and mindset, master the skill of creating S.M.A.R.T. goals, and supercharge your trajectory to peak performance and sustainable success in your business and your life.

Take Ownership Of Your Setbacks & Success

  • Blame To Fame Coaching

    Develop personal triggers that will put you into a position where you MUST take action.

  • Blame To Fame Podcast

    It was not until I was at rock bottom that I realized that only I alone could change my future, and on my podcast you are going to hear the stories of successful folks who have gone from Blame to Fame in their own lives.

About Jeff 

Jeff Wright pushes you to take actionable steps towards your goals sustainably. Through this coaching process you will transform your habits and mindset, master the skill of creating S.M.A.R.T. goals, and supercharge your trajectory to peak performance and sustainable success in your business and your life.


Here’s What Others Are Saying: 


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